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Desktop Themes

The Victim Of Fate Desktop Themes available for your enjoyment any requests email me and I will see what I can do for you :)


By The Victim Of Fate

Well I take it that you like I find the windows desktop a dull and bland place, it has so much possiblilities and yet at first appearance it bores the hell out of you. Well fear not for luckily there is a solution yes the wonderfull world of desktop themes, you can change the color scheeme backgrounds logos icons sounds infact the whole bloody lot to suit your individual ideals. I myself do not think I have kept the original scheeme for any longer than I have had to from installing any version of windows to now. I would like if I may to give you some novel Ideas for your own desktop with some theeme files I and indeed others have created.






Here are a couple I have created to start with

Fight Club

Sleepy Hollow