Sun To Fear

Music Tracks

I have put some bits of our tracks on here, however as we never got around to recording proper cd's due to finances and various other reasons at the time they are only from our band practice tapes, so the sound quality is not what I or indeed you may be hoping for but it gives a rough idea of what we were trying to achieve.

Red Dawn This one is about Vampyres Flex does te main vocols and keyboards/drums and I do aall the guitars and background speech

Red Dawn Lyrics

Lillies At A Grave

Lillies Lyrics

I wrote this as a dedication to some one I lost a few years ago her name was Wendy and she died in a car accident, I spent a long time trying to find the right words and samples to try to het accross how I feel and I finally decided upon the film The Crow as it seemed quite apt for my feelings on the subject, I was reasonably happy with the way it turned out. R.I.P Wendy


Ascention Seeker

Ascention Lyrics

Another one dedicated to someone I once knew named Stuart Russell, Stuart and I were friends way back in the mists of time and he wass heavily involved with the "darker side of things", he was involved in a cult for somme time and had alot of bad luck, he had a motorcycle accident and ended up on more drugs than all the rock bands put together, eventually he became somewhat fixated on one of our mutual friends and in the end he took his own life by O D some events surrounding the O D are still unknown due to the way he performed it, more of a ritual then suicide. Although we had our differancees he was still a goood friend to me at a time when I needed one so I did this in his memory R.I.P Stu

Carnival Of Souls

Carnival Lyrics

Ok this one I wrote about one of my fave films ever of the same name, it is an old black and white film about a woman who is a church organist and is involved in a car crash, she ends up haunted by a strange man for reasons she can not comprehend. If you have not seen the film I strongly advise it, I know there was one more recently but as I have not seen it I am not sure if it is a remake of this but the original still has a place in my warpedd mind as you will hear.