The Victim Of Fate

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Vampire The Masquerade

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Progenitors of Antediluvians


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This Page is dedicated to Vampire The Masquerade, both the Live Action Roleplay and Vampire The Masquerade-Redemption the computer game.

I myself have enjoyed playing the L.A.R.P. (Live action Roleplay) game for about four or five years or so now I started where I used to live, my Character Marius Stienberg who was embraced by the clan Tremere was a tad on the nasty side as he felt no compassion nor empathy. He became a member of the primogen and the Lord Of Devon (England), He was sent from Vienna as an Archon due to the fact the Prince was supposed to be a Tremere but the new Prince had disposed of him and taken the power for himself.


Now for those of you who have no idea what I am burbling about I will give a brief description of the game, a glossary of terms and some basic rules for the game.

The concept for the game is simple enough, you basically need a group of people over the age of sixteen I have found the older the better as they don't tend to mess around so much not that it is all serious but if you are trying to keep the game flowing then the less distractions the better. Once you have a group that are interested you then need to get them to create a character, this can be a rather daunting task at first appearance but when you and they finally understand the way the game works it runs smoother the next time you do it. I would strongly advise players and the ones running it to obtain most if not all the White Wolf books connected with Vampire, If you do intend on running a game you will need to become a walking set of facts but at least if you have the rule books to hand you can check up on any discrepancies that may and indeed will arise.

Advised Books

Laws Of The Night

Laws Of Elysium

Vampire The Masquerade Editions 1-3

Clan Books (the clan you wish to pay as)

Many of these books if not all can be found in retail shops or on the net try looking at

White Wolf This is the official White Wolf site the creators of the game

and any other such sites dedicated to the game..