The Victim of Fate Vampyric Pages

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Countess BathoryVlad Tepes Vampire MasqueradeVampyre ArtVampires In Films

The Vampire Idea has been used in just about every guise possible, from literature to advertising, from scaring us to amusing us in cartoons and even in pornography. It seems that any form of media has to go straight for the jugular in using this imagery. But it is a far cry from how it began

. The legend of the Vampire started off as a peasant superstition and was anything but a source of amusement, it was a tale that would curdle your blood and strike fear into the hearts of even the strongest of men. It holds its roots in many countries and many languages, as a form of terror and warning. Although it is doubtful that Vampires exist it is still a powerful enough image to make people still have the element of doubt in their minds. Throughout history various people have been labeled"Vampire" for their acts of cruelty towards others.. These include such people as Vlad Tepes, Countess Elizabeth Bathory, Vincenz Verveni, Wayne Boden and countless others although they were not the legendary vampyre they were the nearest thing imaginable..